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Posts Tagged ‘Research’

Five Ways Customer Research Can Build Your Business

Most businesses we encounter in our practice appear from the outside to be “doing fine”, and its only after a few pointed key questions of

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The Power of a Question

Mitch Vandiver (at and The Strategies, Inc. Team put this together, and I thought it was perfect for my readers – it’s all about

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The Advantage of Primary Source Data With Respect To Aggregated, Accumulated or Transactional Data

By Dave Poulos, Chief Consultant, Granite Partners, LLC Big Data – There, I said it, now the bots can find this article and show it

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If Your Brand Was A Person, Would You Date Them?

Brand gets defined in many different ways depending on the source, the context and the scope and depth of the investigation and the purpose of

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Market Research Is the Answer to ‘Uberization’ and the Customer Challenges of the 21st Century

Jessica delivers this message better than I could, so I thought I’d pass this along . . . we’ve been explaining this to clients for

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How To Think Like Designers

This is What We Do – Thought this was interesting . . .  IBM hires hundreds of these workers to shake up clients — including

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How To Become Customer-Centric . . .

Whether its B2B, B2C, global enterprise or local start-up, commercial or non-for-profit, all types of business can benefit from becoming more customer-centric. But what does

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Affinity Programs CAN Drive Engagement And Loyalty . . . If Executed Properly

Business owners who sell to consumers are constantly striving to grow their customer base, and to retain the one they have already established. Organic growth,

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Brand Loyalty Is More Fragile Than You Think

Marketing and sales pros know that people don’t really buy features and benefits, they buy feelings and stories. Your brand (hopefully) tells your buying audience

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Are You Selling To The Right People?

We’re big advocates of using research, especially primary customer research, to drive marketing and sales efforts. It’s much more difficult to miss the target when

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