Marketers are typically asked to justify their expenditures, to craft a nearly inviolate budget often as much as two years ahead of time, and to
In the world of marketing, there are new things to learn, new innovations introduced, new techniques that surface, every day. It’s a fast-moving, wide-open world
Contrary to popular belief, not only can’t “everyone do marketing”, but the myth that “the Marketing department dreams this stuff up every day . .
For those of you with less than pure thoughts, got ya! I don’t write on customer service issues very often, once or twice a year,
There are many forms of sponsorship businesses can use to their advantage: from the check written to the local Little League baseball team to help
With the recent rise in attention among marketers to customer engagement, and customer experience, customer journey, call it what you like, event marketing has risen
The rise of the machines, and the fear associated with it among humankind has increasingly crept into popular culture, in some subtle and not-so-subtle ways.
We’ve long advised companies who want to be market leaders to adopt a customer-centric stance in their internal and marketing attitude. That advice has been
There are an awful lot of misconceptions about what branding is, how branding works, what purpose it serves, how much time, money, and energy should
In marketing practice, we are called upon to determine customer insights so that our message can be directed toward the “right” audience, that it might