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Category Archive for ‘Design’

Rebranding Your Organization – Change Management At Its Finest

Imagine your future: Your brand identity has been in place unchanged since the organization was founded in the 50s; the marketplace has shifted; your brand

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Just Like Rodney, Marketers Get No Respect . . .

I’ve been reading and absorbing a lot of chatter about the level of respect marketing professionals get (or don’t get) in companies across the nation.

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Web redesign to meet actual customer needs boosts traffic 94%! Here’s how . . .

Thought You’d Enjoy This . . . There’s high competition in higher education. Every day, thousands of colleges and universities go head-to-head, vying for prospective

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Digital Marketing is Direct Marketing in Electronic Clothing . . .

With some prodding from Eric Mohr ( )I gave some thought to the reputation of Direct Marketing in the digital age. I read and absorb

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Get Top Results When You Crank Up the “Direct” in Your Direct Mail

By its very nature, direct mail promotions are designed to be one-to-one communication vehicles. As marketers, we are all aware of this in the back

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Promotional Items Should Be Carefully Selected for Maximum Impact

There are lots of elements to be considered if your marketing plan for the year includes participation in tradeshows, and a number of good reasons

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Ten Tips & Truths For Marketers

For those of you who are marketers, or if you’re a business owner or solo practitioner who acts in a marketing capacity (and who doesn’t),

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Fundamentals Can Save Your Advertising Program

As a consultant, I read – a lot – every day, about different marketing approaches, different angles and aspects of marketing, from social media trends

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Tradeshows – Make A Commitment, Make It Count

We recently attended a tradeshow (Granite Partners principal and staff, not the royal “we”) with a client, in an effort to help them gather competitive

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New Trends Not Always The Most Valuable

As a marketing consultant, I tend to observe things critically, find parallels and patterns in everything, to try and make sense of what I see

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